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by Marcin Policht
Book Review – “Hack Proofing Your Network” from Syngress Publishing

Hack Proofing Your Network

from Syngress Publishing

As the book proclaims, “the only way to
stop a hacker is to think like one”. This seems to be a
consistent approach across all the chapters, written by a
collection of authors, known for their “hacking”
accomplishments. Most notably, the contributors include Georgi
Guninski (famous in the world of security professionals for
discovering numerous security holes in Microsoft products – most
recently Internet Explorer), Mudge (originator of legendary L0phtCrack
and security advisor to the White House and Congress), Rain
Forest Puppy (whose frequent posting to the NTBugtraq list expose
bugs and flaws in Windows NT and 2000), and Jeromy Rauch (co-designer
of Internet Security Scanner and CA CyberCop Scanner and Monitor).

If you are looking for a specific examples
of most common security attacks (and the way of detecting and
protecting from them), you won’t be disappointed. SYN flood
description contains its source code and detailed description.
Similarly, diffing, cryptography and unexpected input attacks (via
buffer overflow – with clever C++ code, logic alteration, use of
http/html and SQL queries) are covered in lots of details.

The book also contains the in-depth analysis
of Melissa source code, giving you insight on system
vulnerabilities used by hackers. Definitely the recommended
reading for security professionals and hackers alike…

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